Speak, Nerd, and Enter!

Need someplace to chat with fellow geeks about something not already featured on The Nerdy Bird? That’s “Speak, Nerd, and Enter!”

Some bits and bobs from the last week…

Her Universe also celebrated their 7th anniversary this week!

A reminder that I’m doing some part-time social work for the awesome Skelton Crew Studio and having lots of fun…

And cats. Because cats.

23 Responses to “Speak, Nerd, and Enter!”

  1. Just discovered this site and I think it’s awesome.

  2. Fingers crossed for me! I had another interview for a full time position yesterday. It would be a really nice fit.

  3. I ordered a movie that I’d been debating about getting for months. Here’s the trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c17URK9HCM

  4. Hi! I’m back to comment in Speak, Nerd, And Enter and this was the most recent one that I could find.

  5. SPOILERS for the first part of the Doctor Who finale.


    I loved what was going on with the black hole time stuff, very much my sci-fi aestetic…





    And they’ve now gone and killed Bill? I mean, sure it might be walked back but uhh they might not which would really disappoint me considering (like I mentioned here: https://thenerdybird.com/doctor-who-eaters-of-light-featured-lgbtq-chat-roman-soldiers/) I like her but feel she hasn’t really gotten much character development all season?

    • the silver ravens says:

      It makes me really sad that this might be Capaldi’s last season because i think its his best one.

  6. Morning, everyone. I’ve been…kinda…not present, lately. But I’m still here-ish. Um. I watched Glow. What’d you think?

  7. WheelchairNinja says:

    Speculation is that they’re going to announce the new Doctor Who today! Still kinda got my fingers crossed for Tom Hiddleston or Hayley Atwell!

    • That Which Dreams says:

      I want Tilda Swinton or Jaime Murray, but I’ll settle for Hayley Atwell.

  8. Steven Moye says:

    Late congrats for the gig with The Hollywood Reporter Jill, you have more in the works with them?

  9. Troy Baer says:

    It’s been an… interesting day at the office. (Yes, in that sense.)


  10. My blog is going on hiatus while its author goes on a research sabbatical for his difficult second novel. In honor of the forthcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming, I shall leave you with an incredibly timely review of the Broadway classic Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark!