Speak, Nerd, and Enter!

Busy! Busy! Busy! What’s going on in your neck of the woods? Feel free to use this spot to talk about anything not already being covered on TheNerdyBird.com!

Header image via this glorious video.

I guested on the Nerds Who Wait podcast! We talked about Hollywood’s harassment problems, trailers and more.

I love this.

And this.

That reminds me, what’s everyone’s Halloween plans this year? Here’s a costume idea…

So I’d heard about Puffs, the Harry Potter parody, but finally got to see it last week and it was GLORIOUS. I highly recommend it.

And a gentle reminder. :)

13 Responses to “Speak, Nerd, and Enter!”

  1. Nuuni Nuunani says:

    I really want to see what comes of that Traci 13 series. Ive long been speculating that we would get a magic centric CW show and now they have finally delivered. Its curious that their going to make Traci a forensic scientist which is a weird thing to retcon in. Especially since Izombie and Flash feature forensic scientists

  2. VindicaSean says:

    I wanted to bring to the attention of all present: No one can beat this Sarah Connor Halloween costume. I won’t even try. https://twitter.com/LetsRewatch/status/925445202680037376

  3. That Which Dreams says:

    The more I watch of Stranger Things season 2, the more this kid looks like Rob Lowe.

  4. I didn’t see this until today! Hi gang! Everyone have fun NOT getting tickets today? CUZ I SURE DID. DAMMIT.

    Sigh. Anyway. The Gifted is REALLY good. I am shocked and pleased and enjoying the heck out of it. Star Trek: Discovery, on the other hand, I think I’m going to let go. $9.99 a month…eh. It doesn’t seem worth the value.

  5. That Which Dreams says:

    +1 for Sorsha.