Daleks Are the Dark Side in This Star Wars: The Force Awakens/Doctor Who Trailer Mashup

I’m always amazed at what can be accomplished with a good music track and slick editing. See the spirit of Star Wars: The Force Awakens come to life with the characters of Doctor Who in this fan mashup!

Back in 2013 (whaaaaat, that was ages ago now) I said the BBC should put YouTuber VG934 on their payroll. I reiterate that sentiment and add Lucasfilm to the list. VG934 writes of this experiment:

Being the huge Doctor Who and Star Wars fan that I am, how could I resist the chance to bring these two massive franchises together? Well sort of bring them together, let’s call it Who Wars.

Some may call me late to the party but I must remind you that a Wizard is never late, nor is he early – he arrives precisely when he means to. Alas, I’m no Wizard but the same principle applies.

I have to say, I’m not sure what I expected when I saw the video title “Doctor Who Wars: The TARDIS Awakens Trailer,” but that music, and those characters? Get me every time.

(via Doctor Who)

2 Responses to “Daleks Are the Dark Side in This Star Wars: The Force Awakens/Doctor Who Trailer Mashup”

  1. John Howard says:

    LOVE this mashup! Someone sent me the link to the video and I was hoping for something in the long year between series…alack and alas it was not meant to be. But I will re-watch all of the new episodes between now and next year.

    “Everybody lives Rose, just this once everybody LIVES!”

  2. WheelchairNinja says:

    Dang, I’d forgotten how good Eccleston was. Ten may be the best, but Nine is still my favorite. You never forget your first Doctor.