Comic Book Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer #32

BUFFY HAS F*#$ING SUPERPOWERS! For almost (gulp) twenty years now Buffy Summers has been my own personal superhero. She may not wear a costume or be able to deflect bullets with her chest but she’s got super strength and...Read More »

February 3rd, 2010

Harmony Bites…Andy Dick

It’s tough being a celebrity. You’ve got no privacy, the paparazzi are always around, it’s hard to tell who your real friends are, etc. It could be worse. You could be an “almost” celebrity. Like our girl Harmony from Buffy the...Read More »

January 19th, 2009

Buffy Bounces Back

There’s been serious Buffy comic withdrawal over my way. Luckily my fix is coming soon. November 26th to be exact. The last issue of Buffy Season 8 was in stores…a while ago. I remember hearing there was going to be...Read More »

November 12th, 2008