Buffy Bounces Back

There’s been serious Buffy comic withdrawal over my way. Luckily my fix is coming soon. November 26th to be exact.

The last issue of Buffy Season 8 was in stores…a while ago. I remember hearing there was going to be a delay but I had no idea it would be this long. Editor Scott Allie had this to say:

Good news, gang — Andy Owens has just turned in the final inks for long-overdue Buffy #19. So while Michelle wraps up the colors on Buffy #19, I want to thank you for your patience, apologize for the delay, and promise to do my best to keep it from happening again.

Even better news, issue #20, Jeph Loeb’s one-shot about the Buffy Animated Series that never was, is almost finished and issues #21 and #22 are already in the can. As a result Dark Horse will ship the issues every three weeks to get back on their first-week-of-the-month schedule. Fine by me! The more Buffy, the better I say.
Allie also hinted at some unusual promotion for the next arc, written by Jane Espenson, which will feature Oz. He said to keep an eye on the Myspace Dark Horse Presents site (and other spots) around the 1st of the year for whatever that may be.

6 Responses to “Buffy Bounces Back”

  1. Amber Love says:

    It's definitely one of our best sellers too. There's a collective cringe & sigh when it so happens that Buffy and Anita Blake come out on the same day. I spend most of the day bagging & boarding and counting all of them because inevitably Diamond screws it up. Once they lost our entire Angel shipment as did half of the NJ shops. Why couldn't it have been Ms. Marvel? Ugh.

    I've noticed the difference in the colors and I prefer this newer look to it. It's the type of thing I don't notice until there's a change. I've loved all the different covers too. And the Animated – it's about damned time!

  2. Wow, yeah I guess it helps that it was based on a wildly popular TV show and that they continue to treat it as such, not go off into wild-tangents.

  3. GeekBoy says:

    Yeah, I gotta say, I’m a comic book reader for 30+ years now (ugh, I’m old), and these days, Buffy Season 8 is THE comic I look most forward to just about each and every month. I’ve actually grown somewhat jaded with the mainstream Marvel/DC superhero comics — TOO MANY EVENTS!

    The Buffy comic proves that it’s possible for a single, isolated title to keep things fresh and interesting, month after month. Ditto for titles like Terry Moore’s Echo, and The Dark Tower series.

    So anyway, I’m definitely looking forward to getting three more issues of Buffy by the end of the year!

  4. Been waiting for this, as have many customers. Ever since it first came out, Buffy has been the best single title to bring in new regular customers into our store. Events and crossmedia stuff usually get a few extra sales, but nowhere near what Buffy has done. Over 60 new subscription customers alone, and its numbers usually exceed the core X-men titles. So yeah, delayed shipping schedule, kinda poopy.

  5. I know right!?! And there’s a little more to the cover, I actually cropped it some to focus on her eye.

  6. ah, fucking finally! and the cover is GORGEOUS!