When Geek Girls Attack!

The LA Times’ “Girls’ Guide to Comic Con 2009.” You’ve read it. Or at least read about it. Yes, they did make gross generilizations about the geek girl community. Yes, they really did tell us we’d be rushing to...Read More »

June 18th, 2009

Wall-E computes on all platforms

Part two of my Wall-E preview brings us to the video game developed by Heavy Iron Studios for THQ. Walking in, I wasn’t really expecting much from the game. I assumed it would be directed entirely at kids and...Read More »

June 24th, 2008

Johnny-5’s still alive in Wall-E

It’s not lost on many people that Disney/Pixar’s new Wall-E looks a lot like Johnny-5, the reflective glassy eyes, the tank-tred wheels, the lovable nature. But in my opinion, it’s something Wall-E lacks rather than something he has that...Read More »

June 24th, 2008

How Super is your Squad?

Game publisher THQ grabbed the rights to a huge franchise earlier this month, Marvel’s “Super Hero Squad” animated series, which doesn’t even have a network to air on yet. THQ is probably best known for their long standing relationship...Read More »

May 19th, 2008