Superhero Watercolors That Won’t Wash Away

Not a lot of comic book artists use watercolor to bring their illustrations to life, mostly because it’s a more subtle medium that takes a lot of practice and even more time to dry. But seriously, only Ben Templesmith...Read More »

June 11th, 2010

The Real World: Metropolis

This is the true story, of seven superheroes, picked to live in a house… Ok, so it’s an oldie (picked for the Wizard Direct to Video contest in 2001) but it’s a goodie. Also check out Superhero Birthday Party...Read More »

January 12th, 2009

DoubleDCoverage 11/19-11/26

My latest DoubleDCoverage is now up at GEN! A little later than usual since new books are coming out Thursday because of the holiday. For once, I remembered. Read some more about the big R.I.P. conclusion and check out...Read More »

December 3rd, 2008