[UPDATED] Watch Star Wars Celebration 2017 Live! And The Last Jedi Trailer!

Star Wars Celebration 2017 is in full swing in Orlando, Florida this weekend! They’re broadcasting live and you can keep up with all the fan action and news here!

I’ve been out all morning or I would have had this up sooner but the Day 1 feed is above and I’ll update each day as new videos are added. Earlier during their 40th anniversary presentation they debuted this Carrie Fisher feature. It’s… well, get your tissues. No, seriously.

And here’s the 40th anniversary panel:

Revealed last night by Entertainment Weekly, Star Wars Forces of Destiny!


EW writes:

A new storytelling series called Forces of Destiny aims to expand the galactic saga’s audience by highlighting its female heroes in eight new 2-D animated shorts. Those will debut on Disney YouTube in July, then be packaged with eight others in the fall for a pair of TV specials airing on the Disney Channel.

While they’ll be full of familiar characters and creatures, the central figures are Princess Leia from the original trilogy era, Padmé Amidala from the prequels, Rey from The Force Awakens, Rogue One’s Jyn Erso, and a trio from the animated Rebels series: the Mandalorian warrior Sabine Wren, Force-sensitive Jedi badass Ahsoka Tano, and the avocado-hued Twi’lek pilot Hera Syndulla.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi panel is Friday at 11 a.m. for those curious.

[UPDATE] Here we go for Day 2! The Last Jedi panel first…

Kathleen Kennedy and director Rian Johnson were on stage first with host Josh Gad. Daisy Ridley came out next and continued her fun banter with Gad from earlier this year. And then…

BB-8! (Johnson called the droid the Buster Keaton of The Last Jedi) And then John Boyega! And next up is new cast member Kelly Marie Tran! Her new character is named Rose and she’s a maintenance working in the Resistance. The one and only Luke Skywalker, Mark Hamill, was brought out next.


And the new poster…

And now for some screencaps!

Johnson tells Entertainment Weekly the name of the planet with the blood-looking stuff is Crait. “It’s way out there. It’s uncharted,” the director told them. “It’s a mineral planet and so there are mines on it.” He added that the planet is the site of an “an old rebel base there that’s now abandoned.”

And the Day 2 livestream:

Some more news from Day 2… while Hamill gave his touching tribute to Fisher on stage, Kathleen Kennedy spoke to ABC…

“Sadly, Carrie will not be in nine,” Kennedy said. “We will see a lot of her in eight, which is great.”

IDW will be publishing a line all-ages Star Wars books according to io9. They’ll be known as Star Wars Adventures.

From StarWars.com, Marvel will be publishing Star Wars: Captain Phasma, a 4-issue miniseries.

Launching in September from writer Kelly Thompson and artist Marco Checchetto, Captain Phasma will be part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi publishing program — and we’ll get to see her escape from the doomed Starkiller Base.

That of course means the series is set after Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Here’s Paul Renaud’s cover of the first issue.

Speaking of Phasma…

We’re also getting books from Ken Liu and Claudia Gray.

[UPDATE] Day 3 has begun!

Star Wars Rebels Season 4 will be its final season. Here’s the trailer. 

And now the trailer for the upcoming video game Star Wars Battlefront II.

[UPDATE] Here we are, Day 4, the last day of Star Wars Celebration!

12 Responses to “[UPDATED] Watch Star Wars Celebration 2017 Live! And The Last Jedi Trailer!”

  1. Bryan See says:

    Wow! That will be very interesting for me. However, with the false terrorist attacks and anti-technology and anti-science Occupy Silicon Valley imminent, it will be closed, realizing the prophecies of blind right-wing xenophobic mystic Baba Vanga, French prophet Nostradamus, American psychic Edgar Cayce and clairvoyant Horacio Villegas.

    Nostradamus’ prophecy said: “Mabus will soon die, then will come, a horrible undoing of people and animals, at once one will see vengeance, one hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.”

    “Nuclear terrorism and natural disasters will destroy our planet until a giant planet approaches the earth,” Nostradamus also foresaw. In addition to World War 3, he expected an economic collapse in the world. The predictions of Nostradamus interpreters were advised people about the kind of war to be expected in 2017 and 2018. Nostradamus’ century IX predictions said: “Naval battle night will be overcome, fire in ships in the West ruin: New turn, the great ship, color anger to the defeated, and victory in a net.”

    Edgar Cayce predicted the possibility of a third World War. He spoke of strifes arising…“in Libya, and in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those areas above the Persian Gulf.”

    Horacio Villegas foresaw such conflict. He reportedly told the Daily Star: “The main message that people need to know to be prepared is that between May 13th and October 13, 2017, this war will occur and be over with much devastation, shock and death!”

    Interestingly, Baba Vanga had a similar message to Villegas, Cayce and Nostradamus, but had a bright future for Russia. She predicted that when the permafrost thaws and the floods come, nothing will survive on Earth but the glories of Vladimir and Russia, the climate will change and Russia will occupy the best inhabitable zone.

    “Everything will melt away like ice yet the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia are the only things that will remain. Russia will not only survive, it will dominate the world.”

    Also, during her meeting with writer Valentin Sidorov, Vanga said: “All will thaw, as if ice, only one remain untouched – Vladimir’s glory, glory of Russia. Too much it is brought in a victim. Nobody can stop Russia. All will be removed by her from the way and not only will be kept, but also becomes the lord of the world.”

    It should be noted that “Everything will melt away like ice” is something that is warned about by many, including SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, Paul Krugman, Noam Chomsky, Joe Biden, Michael Moore, Stephen Hawking, and BatteryIncluded.

    In 2014, asked in an interview whether he would visit Mars in his lifetime, Musk said “I hope so, if I don’t get assassinated by like, some Russian assassin, which is not out of the question. They’ve done that before!”

    In his GQ interview in the following year, he commented, “I don’t think we can discount the possibility of a third World War. You know, in 1912 they were proclaiming a new age of peace and prosperity, saying that it was a golden age, war was over. And then you had World War I followed by World War II followed by the Cold War. So I think we need to acknowledge that there’s certainly a possibility of a third World War, and if that does occur it could be far worse than anything that’s happened before. Let’s say nuclear weapons are used. I mean, there could be a very powerful social movement that’s anti-technology.”

  2. Mark Wyman says:

    Anyone else getting this vibe from the new poster? Just me? Ok.

  3. Zefram Mann says:

    There’s also the Old Republic Cantina event. Some really top-notch cosplay there too.



  4. Troy Baer says:

    With regard to the Ep.VIII trailer: Five-year-old me is bouncing off the walls. However, Present-day me is somewhat alarmed by that line at the end (especially after Logan).

    • My current prevailing theory about that is not that it’s an “end” as we know it but that the Jedi are set to evolve. That’s why Luke is “The Last Jedi.”

      • Troy Baer says:

        My hope is that it’s early in the movie and part of Rey convincing Luke to train her, like the argument that Luke and Obi-wan’s ghost had with Yoda in TESB. However, the idea of Luke succumbing to the Mentor Occupational Hazard is too depressing for me to contemplate after TFA and Logan…

  5. DariaFan says:

    It’s just so fascinating. There are very few worlds so well built, to suck me in like this, but I’m just so into it. I’m interested in every component of it, at that’s what really shocking to me. I can enjoy a good story any time, but to want to know more and more and more, you’d think it would get old, but nope. Every-time I see Star Wars anything (even the cartoons) I go back to the feeling of sitting in a theater seeing my first movie. They are the epitome of a cinematic experience, regardless of original format.

  6. Trevor Spratt says:

    Thank you for posting these so that I can spend hours staring at them when I should be working. :-)

  7. I keep thinking one day I’ll move beyond interest…

    But then they slowly reveal the trailer, and all the hair on my neck stands up. And then the trailer starts, the world drops away, and I am just two big happy child eyes and what feels like way too much sugar, shaking in my chair.