What a WONDERful event!

The rain clouds lifted and the sun came out just in time for Wonder Woman Day III in Flemington, NJ this past Sunday. I got to put my Zatanna costume to good use for a good cause. Over $4,000 was raised for SAFE in Hunterdon!

The event took place at Comic Fusion and resident Wonder Woman Beth welcomed me with open arms. We really could not have asked for a more gorgeous day. Neil Vokes and Chris Muller sketched away while visitors, including myself, perused the fantastic array of art up for auction. There was a little something for everyone. 

It was really fun just sitting outside with the other costumers. Beth and Spider-Man-Evan were waving to people as they walked and drove by. We started taking pictures almost immediately and even managed to convince this real hero to get in a few with us. A photographer took us aside for a while to take some more posed shots, hopefully he’ll send them along so I can share those as well.

Everyone was so nice it was hard to leave! I was able to take home two auction items and another wonderful sketch, which I’ll share with you all tomorrow. I also apparently cleaned up on the raffles but I haven’t picked those items up yet. You can check out more pictures at Myspace or my Facebook fan page. Thanks to everyone at Comic Fusion, the people from SAFE and all those who attended and donated. I will definitely be seeing you next year!

4 Responses to “What a WONDERful event!”

  1. Thanks everybody! Freakgirl you guys will just have to plan on coming next year. :)

  2. Randy says:

    Va va va voom! You sure make an attractive Zatanna there, Jill. Wonder Woman ain’t bad to look at either.

    Seriously, it looks like that was a really fun event. And Neil Vokes was the guest artist? Cool. That’s a name I haven’t heard in quite some time. I always liked his art.

  3. freakgirl says:

    So bummed we missed it. You guys looked great!

  4. Eric says:

    That looks like you had a blast!

    Stop kicking so much ass, I’m envious.

    Zatanna…err..you…looked great.

    Let us know what you got concerning your Wonder Woman swag.