Wow, Wonder Woman!

This just in! Wonder Woman battles domestic violence and a Red Lantern all in one day! News at 11!

Of course I’m talking about the fifth annual Wonder Woman Day that was held in Flemington, New Jersey and Portland, Oregon yesterday at which I arrived safe and sound (unlike last year when I got into a car accident on the way). Resident Wonder Woman Amber was charged with bringing in potential donators for the cause as well as reining in any villains that stopped by, i.e. Dex-Starr and myself. Luckily, I only came to fight domestic violence.
I stepped inside Comic Fusion to check out the raffles and the status on the art up for auction. Particularly one piece by Mr. Adam Hughes. I wasn’t bidding on it but the last time I’d checked it was up to $4,500. The last bidder was by proxy which meant he or she wasn’t in the store but as the event neared it’s end another potential bidder arrived to up the ante. And boy was it upped.
I saw the new bidder shoot out numbers only to be outbid time and again by the proxy bidder whose ceiling bid must have been pretty high. The Hughes piece was now up to $6,600, beating last year’s event total BY ITSELF. This was getting exciting. I felt like I was watching Cash In The Attic. The bidder mulled things over a bit remarking on what a special piece it was and decided to go for it one more time, giving up at $7,500. Wow.
So, needless to say, Wonder Woman Day V was a HUGE success. The estimated total for the NJ event is between $15-16k right now. EDIT: Updated total – $16,200 That’s remarkable. (I’m waiting to hear the totals from the Portland side of things.) Thank you so much again to everyone who helped whether it was through spreading the word, volunteering your time or actually placing bids and buying raffle tickets. Your efforts will go towards SAFE In Hunterdon’s domestic violence programs, which I don’t think I have to tell you, are invaluable.

4 Responses to “Wow, Wonder Woman!”

  1. Cool. If you keep having good stuff to auction off, it'll keep being a successful event. ;)

  2. DJS says:

    Yay! Nice to know that one of the coolest bloggers on the interwebs shares my deep love and appreciation for the Red Lantern Corps, especially its cutest, fuzziest member, Dex-Starr! What a great day for fundraising in support of such a great cause!

  3. Budd says:

    Happy belated Wonder Woman Day! I love the blood on the mouth touch on the red lantern costume.

  4. Denise says:

    What an amazing day! So good to hear that it did so well, and that Hughes piece, YEGADS! But a great cause!

    Also, you make an AWESOME red lantern