The X-Men: Apocalypse Super Bowl Spot Used a Coldplay Cover Song

Coldplay did the Super Bowl halftime show so it’s kind of a strange coincidence the X-Men: Apocalypse spot used a cover of one of their songs.

Or maybe it was on purpose! Who knows? The song is “Don’t Panic” off their debut album Parachutes which was also used famously in Garden State. This version is by an artist named Clairity. You can check out more of her stuff here and the cover is available on iTunes.

Here’s Clarity’s version…

And the original.

Meanwhile, Oscar Isaac remains unrecognizable.

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The film hits theaters May 27, 2016.

6 Responses to “The X-Men: Apocalypse Super Bowl Spot Used a Coldplay Cover Song”

  1. …is that how her psi-blades work?