DoubleDCoverage 12/17-12/24

Check out what you’ve missed the last two weeks in DC Comics with my DoubleDCoverage over at the Girls Entertainment Network!

Big news for Batgirl! Manhunter not One, but 15 years later! Batman makes sense?! The Holy War has ended but the war in Hell rages on! Vigilante is really boring! All that and more!

4 Responses to “DoubleDCoverage 12/17-12/24”

  1. That’s actually a very good question Randy and I don’t really know the answer. I know that my brother used to read X-Men when I was younger and I know I read a few of those. But flash forward to a few years ago when my boyfriend first handed me stuff it was Fables. Then Watchmen, then the last two years backlog of all things DC. That was 2006 I believe.

  2. Randy says:

    Well, whatever you decide to do, I’m sure that it will be fabulous. I know I’LL be around to help celebrate that milestone with you.

    By the way, what’s the very first comic book you ever bought or read?

  3. Thanks Randy. Same to you and your family. :)

    You know it’s almost a year since I started my blog. I’m brainstorming ideas about what to do to celebrate.

  4. Randy says:

    Just thought I’d say Happy New Year, Jill and say that the best comics blog for 2008 in my book is:

    Has Boobs, Reads Comics