Ghostbusters Character Posters Exude All the Cool

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Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters continues to bring the cool with new character posters!

Just the other day we got a couple new official images from the film featuring Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig, and Leslie Jones. Today the ladies are flying solo in their own posters.

Here’s McKinnon’s Jillian Holtzmann from Time Magazine.


Wiig’s Erin Gilbert as debuted by Entertainment Weekly.


InStyle had Jones’ Patty Tolan.


And McCarthy’s Abby Yates via People.


I really love that while the posters are all in the same style they each feature a different prop focus and character personality.

Speaking of personality, Jones tweeted “I DONT GIVE TWO SHITS WHAT A MUTHAFUCKA THINK IM A GHOSTBUSTER BITCH!!” with her poster.
