Happy Birthday Mr. Nimoy

Man, that “Live Long and Prosper” thing really works. Leonard Nimoy turned 78 yesterday.

I’ve been waiting a long time to post this. It’s a genuine autograph picture of our favorite Vulcan that’s been in the family for years. Unfortunately it’s seen better days. We had it in a photo album for a while but that didn’t seem to help much as you can see. Regardless, it’s a prized item in my geek collection. 

I’ve always marveled at it’s classic 70’s imagery. Not unlike how I’ve always marveled at the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins. Either way, I’m glad he briefly came out of semi-retirement to reprise his role as Spock in the new Star Trek movie. Actually, I was half-hoping they’d cast him as Sylar’s father on Heroes this season. Too easy I guess but then they could have had a story line where Parkman discovered his real father was William Shatner and the world would be complete. Oh come on, tell me Shatner would not have been amazing as Parkman’s dad.

5 Responses to “Happy Birthday Mr. Nimoy”

  1. Randy says:

    Rich, nothing can top the Shat’s performance of Lucy in the Sky…with Diamonds. :)

  2. Dave Mackey says:

    Amazing… Shatner and Nimoy were born four days apart (Shat’s birthday was March 22).

  3. Chovengo says:

    I was born on a 26th March like Leonard lol ^_^ and i made a little post about him ;) Long live and Prosperity

  4. Rich says:

    But can either of them top Shatner’s “Lucy In The Sky…With Diamonds!” ?

    Shatner and Nimoy on Heroes would have made me watch again – and the Shatner/Grunberg link is so apparent now you pointed it out!

  5. Randy says:

    I also love Nimoy’s rendition of Mr. Tambourine Man.