Help me with my MDA Muscle Walk!

Who says fundraising can’t be fun? At last year’s MDA Stride & Ride we raised $142,000 towards curing Muscular Dystrophy. Not only that, I got to meet Batman. I can only imagine what will happen this year.

In case you’re new to my blog, here’s a quick history of my involvement with the Muscular Dystrophy Association. I was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy, specifically Spinal Muscular Atrophy, when I was two and a half. My involvement with MDA came soon after that in the form of emotional support for my family as well as financial support for doctors visits and wheelchairs/braces. And in a way you can thank MDA for this blog even existing. It was my appearances on the MDA Jerry Lewis Telethon starting at age seven that got me interested in TV and journalism to begin with.

All that being said, it’s time for the annual MDA Muscle Walk (previously called Stride & Ride) for the NY-NJ Metro area. On March 12 I’ll be gathering up my team, “The Nerdy Birds,” to walk around the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ along with countless other teams fighting for a cure. So what do I need from you? Anything you can spare.
Truly. What I need are donations to myself or to the team as a whole, which you can make securely online, so that we may raise (or hopefully exceed) the goal I have set for us to raise this year which is $2,500. I say this each year but honestly, whatever you can afford to give is a good amount, even if it’s $1. If each person who visits this blog gave just $1 we’d be totally set. Of course, if you are fortunate enough to be able to donate more that is equally appreciated.
Besides financial contributions, anywhere you can spread the word about the MDA Muscle Walk would be awesome! Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, email, wherever! Thank you so, so much to those of you who have helped out in the past, I hope you can do so again this year and encourage others to do the same.

9 Responses to “Help me with my MDA Muscle Walk!”

  1. Jill says:

    Thank you for saying so Gwen, you definitely are NOT alone out there. :)

  2. Old blog post but I hope you won't mind (sorry if you do – I couldn't find any other way to contact you – I would have twittered you but alot of my accounts are private) but I just wanted to say that I saw you tonight on NatGeo and you reminded me of myself (alot – girl, 25, wheelchair, into comic books) and I wanted to thank you for that. It made me feel not so alone. It was kind of inspirational in a way.

  3. Sorry about the technical issues Mock. Have you tried since?

    Thank you so much everyone for spreading the word!

  4. MOCK! says:

    Neither donation link seems to be working….any suggestions?

  5. Larry Litle says:

    I just found your site and I am loving it. My 10 year old daughter is growing up as a geek girl. She loves Dr Who; she dressed up as SuperGirl (she bought the costume herself) for Halloween; she loves comic conventions; and of course she is an avid comic reader. I will be posting a link to your blog on my blog and I will put up a post about your site and the MDA Muscle Walk. Keep up the great work.

  6. Nerds with MD unite! Just threw your donation link out, hopefully some of my comedy fans will come through and help put you over the top on the goal. Rock onward!

  7. CDerosby says:

    I think you should invite the Pussycat League Heroes from one of your previous posts as well. For the cause of course.

  8. Melissa says:

    Hi Jill!! I just wanted to let you know that I heard a rumor that Batman will be at this year's Muscle Walk again! So get your camera and autograph book ready! ;) I also wanted to thank you for all that you give back to MDA. Together I know that we will see traetments and cures in our life time! Hugs! ~Melissa K. White, MDA Health Care Service Coordinator