New Nerdy Trailers Have Arrived Thanks to Sports Ball

If, like me, you didn’t watch the Super Bowl (except Lady Gaga’s excellent performance), here’s some nerdy trailers you might have missed.

Above we have the new Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 trailer which gives us our first look at Elizabeth Debicki’s golden Ayesha.

Some new footage from Logan.

And the controversial Ghost in the Shell.

This one may not be for the squeamish: A Cure For Wellness.

Baywatch, aka YAH, MORE ROCK!

Steel yourself. It’s a new spot for Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale.

And our first look at footage from Stranger Things 2!

And finally, Genius because…well, you’ll see why…

2 Responses to “New Nerdy Trailers Have Arrived Thanks to Sports Ball”

  1. That Which Dreams says:

    The thing that gets me about her being Ayesha is that I think that she isn’t. There’s another Marvel character (It’s actually a man and a woman) that are golden skinned whose native forms are giant octopus looking things, like the monster that they fight. Her name is Supernalia. Here’s her human and native forms.