Buffy Turns 30 As Season 8 Ends

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #40 sees the end of the groundbreaking Season 8 but also marks the Slayer herself turning 30. I remember first watching the television show and relating ever-so-well because I was close in age to the...Read More »

January 4th, 2011

Comic Book Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer #32

BUFFY HAS F*#$ING SUPERPOWERS! For almost (gulp) twenty years now Buffy Summers has been my own personal superhero. She may not wear a costume or be able to deflect bullets with her chest but she’s got super strength and...Read More »

February 3rd, 2010

Georges Jeanty Rules the Buffyverse

Can you imagine what it’s like being responsible for bringing characters fans have come to know and love over seven seasons of television to the comic page? That’s the duty Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 artist Georges Jeanty...Read More »

December 23rd, 2009

Graphic Novel Review: Creepy Archives Vol. 1

Vampire, werewolf, repeat. Who knew horror comics were like washing hair? What can I say about an anthology consisting of horror comics from the 1960s? Well, my mom once said, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t...Read More »

September 21st, 2009

GEN Presents: Eisners 2009

Something very cool is happening next week at the Girls Entertainment Network, which you all know by now I write comic reviews for. Here’s the deal: For one exciting week in July, the GEN comics team reviews over fifty...Read More »

July 3rd, 2009