Graphic Novel Review: Myspace Dark Horse Presents Volume 2
Do you like comics? Do you like Dark Horse? Do you like…Myspace? Well then, I have just the thing for you! Actually, you don’t really have to like Myspace at all in order to enjoy Myspace Dark Horse Presents Volume 2. It might be a collected anthology of stories that originally appeared on the social networking site but MDHPV2 has something for everyone.
There are over twenty stories in MDHPV2. Some are snippets from preexisting Dark Horse titles like Solomon Kane and Rex Mundi, while others are thrown in for good measure such as “Manga” and the “Nothinest”. Joss Whedon fans will be happy to see the spotlight given to his brother Zack’s Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog entry all about the immutable Captain Hammer. And believe me, he’s at his most Captain Hammeriest. The Umbrella Academy gets treated to a prequel of sorts from Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá. Set thirteen years ago we get to see the Kraken and Vanya in their early rebellious rock-n-roll stage. So, not much change there really. Speaking of Bá, in “Wonder Twins Activate!” he and brother Fabio Moon star in their own little comic tale giving us a look into their humorously tumultuous work environment.
I really loved this volume too! :)
I have to save a little for the third installment (already out) but I'm not sure it will be/was as good as this and the first volumes!
Jill, do you read The Umbrella Academy? I tend to assume you only read DC comics! Anyway, I love that series, and between that and Captain Hammer, it's as good a reason as any to buy this book. I have the first anthology, and it was great fun … although, as you say, some stories are more entertaining than others.