Graphic Novel Review: Wondermark Vol. 1 – Beards of Our Forefathers

What do you mean, “It isn’t about beards?”

As a girl who dated someone with a penchant for making collages out of all things old and decaying, I can appreciate a book whose main source material is taken directly from 19th century woodcuts and engravings. I can also appreciate the absurdity that was facial hair in the 1800s, in fact, I know some guys who still walk around with those styles today. Imagine my disappointment when I opened Beards of Our Forefathers and found out in fact, it is NOT about beards. So then, what is it about? The answer to that would be, hilarity.

Beards of Our Forefathers is a collection of the bi-weekly web comic strip, Wondermark, by David Malki !. Yes, he does have an exclamation mark after his name. Why didn’t I ever think of that? Anyway, Beards isn’t your run-of-the-mill collection, it actually takes on a life of it’s own. So much so I was wondering if I hadn’t made a new friend by the end. Thrown in the mix are advertisements for fictional, albeit, curious products, author commentary and other quirky supplemental material. And yes, there are actually a few beards to be had, enough to prevent me from claiming false advertisement anyway.
Read the rest of my review and check out some of the strips at the Girls Entertainment Network. No, really, it’s awesome.

3 Responses to “Graphic Novel Review: Wondermark Vol. 1 – Beards of Our Forefathers”

  1. Hey Sean! Thanks for giving me the link. By the time I had gotten home I'd already forgotten what the url was. I'll be sure to check it out!

  2. Randy says:

    The title reminds me of an issue of Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol run where the Chief faced a villain called the Beardhunter.

  3. sean.friend says:

    did you check out my webcomic yet?
    It has woodcuts, and 1860s fashion, and steampunky stuff, hopefully its to your liking.