BREAKING NEWS: Artgerm Draws Hot Women!

Some days I am simply humbled by the talent of others. Today is one of those days. Stanley Lau, also known as Artgerm on deviantart, has been illustrating covers for Batgirl and Birds of Prey recently. This Wonder Woman...Read More »

December 22nd, 2010

Chewie Fighting Nazis on a Giant Squirrel

I’ve had a lot of Star Wars coverage on the blog this month and while I don’t like to lean to heavily on one topic, this was too good to pass up. Yup, that’s furry ol’ Chewbacca riding into...Read More »

December 16th, 2010

Disney Princesses get a superhero makeover.

Sometimes the best stuff comes out of being up late (I should know, I’m a night owl). Take for example the 2 a.m. doodlings of deviantart member kreugan wherein ball-gown-wearing Disney princesses are transformed into chic superheroines. Pretty sweet,...Read More »

September 13th, 2010

Superhero Watercolors That Won’t Wash Away

Not a lot of comic book artists use watercolor to bring their illustrations to life, mostly because it’s a more subtle medium that takes a lot of practice and even more time to dry. But seriously, only Ben Templesmith...Read More »

June 11th, 2010

Have I finally “made it?”

It may not be Maxim or anything but…I’m a calendar girl! You may remember, a few weeks ago, named me their Fangirl of the Month for December. Well, what I didn’t tell you then (but those who follow...Read More »

December 21st, 2009