The Legend of Kevin Conroy

Kevin Conroy, my Batman, has passed away at the age of 66. He's survived by his husband Vaughn C. Williams, sister Trisha Conroy, and brother Tom Conroy.Read More »

November 11th, 2022

Who’s your Batman?

When people hear I’m a Batman fan for the first time they usually wind up asking me who my favorite Batman is. My answer – Kevin Conroy. While some other actors have done a great job portraying my favorite...Read More »

June 24th, 2011

Complete Batman Beyond on DVD Today!

Terry McGinnis made a big splash earlier this year with his own Batman Beyond mini-series at DC Comics. In fact, it was so popular it’s been turned into an ongoing title. So it’s perfect timing that Batman Beyond: The...Read More »

November 23rd, 2010

Orchard Street Wolf Pack

Venture Bros. Season 4. October 18th. Holy crap that’s almost here! Season 4.1 to be exact seeing as how it’s going to be split in half. But indeed, come Sunday the 18th at midnight “which is technically the morning...Read More »

October 8th, 2009

I fooled around with Batman.

It’s been well documented. I love Batman. While I’m not the biggest gamer (my XBOX 360 has been gathering dust the last few months) I was giddy with anticipation for Rocksteady Studios’ Batman: Arkham Asylum. Unless you count the Revenge...Read More »

September 14th, 2009

Perchance to Dean

Jackson Publick has once again updated his Livejournal with some fun Venture Bros. news. “How’s the soup?” Publick says this is the first time they aren’t making any huge stylistic changes but “we took a new approach to the...Read More »

June 16th, 2009

I Heart Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn is featured in this latest trailer for Batman: Arkham Asylum. Oh Mista J!  “How’dya like my new uniform?” I absolutely love it! Definitely a possible future cosplay for me. The thing I’m most excited about though is...Read More »

April 20th, 2009

In Memoriam (Venture Bros. Spoilers Ahead)

Season three of one of my favorite shows, The Venture Bros. came to a close last night with a bang. Literally. Part 2 of “The Family That Slays Together, Stays Together” was filled with action, suspense and lots and...Read More »

August 25th, 2008