Jewelry I’d Need Batman to Buy for Me

Some things exist just to taunt me. Like the Tauntaun sleeping bag for example. Its level of geek-envy plus its cost is equal parts tantalizing and agonizing. It’s unfortunate I find these types of items so often and am...Read More »

December 6th, 2010

Want a Wampa?

Ever wonder what it would be like to hunt down your own Wampa, gut it, skin it and dry it out so you can put it on your floor? Yeah? That’s weird. But good news, it’s already been done...Read More »

May 17th, 2010

It’s bigger on the inside.

A Twitter follower of mine recently asked me what geeky thing I have yet to do that I am dying to. After some careful thought, I answered, “Stand in a TARDIS. Or marry David Tennant. You know, either one.”...Read More »

March 5th, 2010

Sweet dreams are made of this.

And you thought they smelled bad on the outside. You’ve seen The Sleeping Bear, now the geniuses over at ThinkGeek bring you the TaunTaun Sleeping Bag. Too bad it’s only an April Fools joke. Or is it?  Technically it...Read More »

April 3rd, 2009