Tricky Thursday

Tomorrow’s episode of Smallville, appropriately entitled “Sex,” I mean…”Hex,” is almost upon us. Please, let’s all take a moment to thank everyone involved for Serinda Swan’s casting.

I don’t even care they’re only using Zatanna for a Freaky Friday switch between Chloe and Lois, just that they’ve taken a page directly out of the comics for her look. There’s a lot of great potential with the character so I hope they leave it open for her to return.

And now for some wonderful hi-res stills of Z.

There’s a little something for everyone in this promo shot – fishnets, thigh-high boots and a chained up Oliver Queen.

Mistress indeed. Don’t forget to set your DVR’s, this episode will probably warrant repeat viewings.

9 Responses to “Tricky Thursday”

  1. Benny Turd says:

    AS long as she doesn’t open her mouth and ruin everything, we’ll be ok!

  2. jason says:

    I’ve never watched Smallville in my life. Based on these stills, I might have to start.

  3. Aktrez says:

    Yay for Serinda! She’s super sweet. I’ve been chatting with her for a while now. Great article Jill. I can’t wait to see the episode!

  4. Crap, I think I might have to catch up on an episode or two before I watch this. >__O

  5. Anj says:

    Looks like a good episode.

    And yes, she seems perfect for the role.

  6. OH.MY.GOD. She is PERFECT for Z!

  7. GeekBoy says:

    Yeah, they nailed the casting on that one.

  8. Randy says:

    As Chachi Arcola used to say, “Wah wah wah!”

  9. My my my. I’m definitely in agreement that there’s something for everyone. And about 80% of it is for me.