Watch me Pretending to be on TV with Glen Tickle!

A little while ago I appeared on a very special program called, “Pretending to be on TV with Glen Tickle.” You know, the one where I realized I knew the Halo/engagement ring guy. Well anyway, it may not have been on TV but it was recorded and now you can view my segment on YouTube!

We talked about all sorts of things, DC’s New 52, cosplay, Doctor Who, it was a fantastic time. Although I totally forgot to mention I’m working at now or that I have my first comic book being published in IDW’s Womanthology next year. Silly me. Check out the video and spread it around! Thanks, Glen!

Check out other videos from “Pretending to be on TV with Glen Tickle” on their website.

2 Responses to “Watch me Pretending to be on TV with Glen Tickle!”

  1. Keygen says:

    I liked the article, I’ll be back to read more of your blog later =)

  2. Larry Litle says:

    What a fun interview!