Sad News: Peter Capaldi Announces the Next Series of Doctor Who Is His Last

This is not OK.

Peter Capaldi has just made the, maybe not so shocking, announcement that Season 10 of Doctor Who will be his last. Via Twitter, the BBC gave this quote from the actor, “It (the new series of Doctor Who) will be my last… I feel it’s time to move on.”

They went on to say his last episode will be this year’s Christmas special. Season 10 is set to debut in April with new companion Bill, played by Pearl Mackie. “I’m still #DoctorWho! We’re doing epic stuff! I’m not done yet!” Capaldi added.

There had been talk of Capaldi, who started his role as the 12th Doctor with a brief shot in the in the 50th anniversary special, leaving the series even before showrunner Steven Moffat announced his plans to depart. Broadchurch’s Chris Chibnall will be taking over Moffat’s role but it’s anyone’s guess at this point who the next Doctor will be (though I’m hoping we’ll see some diversity).

The Hollywood Reporter has more from the actor, who apparently made the announcement on BBC Radio today:

“One of the greatest privileges of being Doctor Who is to see the world at its best,” he said. From our brilliant crew and creative team working for the best broadcaster on the planet, to the viewers and fans whose endless creativity, generosity and inclusiveness points to a brighter future ahead. I can’t thank everyone enough. It’s been cosmic.”

“For years before I ever imagined being involved in Doctor Who, or had ever met the man, I wanted to work with Peter Capaldi. I could not have imagined that one day we’d be standing on the Tardis together,” said Moffat. Like Peter, I’m facing up to leaving the best job I’ll ever have, but knowing I do so in the company of the best, and kindest and cleverest of men, makes the saddest of endings a little sweeter.”

“I feel sad. I love Doctor Who. It’s a fantastic program to work on and it’s been a huge pleasure to work with a family,” Capaldi told host Jo Whiley, “I’ve never done one job for three years, this is the first time I’ve done this, and I feel it’s sort of time for me to move on to different challenges.” He was of course immediately asked whether he had filmed his regeneration yet but kept mum on that adding “I feel sad, you know, it’s sad but rather wonderful. What a privilege to have done this. You know it’s an extraordinary position to be in but like everything you have to be aware of when it’s time to move on.” He also mentioned his contract was up, they asked him to stay on, but he made the decision to leave. “I love this but I don’t know how long I can do it and give it my best,” he said.

I, for one, am very upset over this news. I was hoping to see what Capaldi would produce under a different writer. How do you feel about him leaving?

6 Responses to “Sad News: Peter Capaldi Announces the Next Series of Doctor Who Is His Last”

  1. teenygozer says:

    I really wish he would do at least one season with the new guy, as I haven’t enjoyed very many of his episodes entirely due to the Moffat-era plots and dialogue, not because he isn’t a wonderful Doctor.

  2. Rachel Weisz for the Doctor!

  3. WheelchairNinja says:

    While it’s always sad to see a Doctor go, it does mean that I get to pull out this old pic again:

  4. He can’t go until Craig Ferguson guest stars!

  5. Capaldi elevated a very tired Moffatt routine, whose work seemed to get into a rut after Season 5. Either that or I just got tired of it. I really enjoy Capaldi, so it’ll be sad to see him go, but I wouldn’t lie if I didn’t say I was excited to learn who might be next in line. In the last two seasons we’ve seen two other Time Lords regenerate from men into women, and I’d like to think that’s laying the groundwork for a new Doctor that isn’t a white male. I’m not big on the whole forced diversity bean counter thing when it comes to casting, but this is one place where it seems like it would add so much more to the show. Not only a new perspective from an actor, but a way of embracing longstanding themes of the show about equality and how much humanity has in common under the physical surface.

  6. Gerald Kirby says:

    Capaldi has been the best part of the series. Even with a number of sub-standard scripts, he has always brought so much to the role, and was always the most entertaining & engaging part of each episode.