Deadpool’s New Teaser Has Me Reliving My Childhood Afternoons

Just when you think the marketing for the Deadpool sequel can’t get any more bizarre and amazing, they pull a Bob Ross parody on us. My childhood…oh good god, my childhood.

My uncle was an artist and when he would watch me after school he’d put on Bob Ross’ show for me. It was wonderful. This new Deadpool teaser nails the parody perfectly and I think it’s even giving me some tingles.

This is Ryan Reynold’s pinned tweet right now. Note: It’s from January.

They also released a new poster recently.

The new teaser gives a lot but they’re quick hits. This is sadly all we get of Zazie Beetz’s Domino…

…but we get this fantastic image of Brianna Hildebrand’s Negasonic Teenage Warhead. It will be used often, and with vigor.

Deadpool 2 will be in theaters June 1, 2018.

6 Responses to “Deadpool’s New Teaser Has Me Reliving My Childhood Afternoons”

  1. George Trello says:

    Man, he even nailed Bob’s tendency to pronounce the the H in white (so more… hwite). This is the best trailer for a trailer ever (is there even 15 seconds of actual movie footage?) No Domino, no Cable, but Negasonic is back!

  2. teenygozer says:

    That picture looks like it’s from the Good Housekeeping parody magazine that I’m not even sure is happening, or if it was just a joke from the git-go.

  3. That Which Dreams says:

    “It will be used often, and with vigor.”
    That sounds very…dirty.