Happy Nerdy New Year!

It’s been a great year for nerds, hasn’t it? Not too much else to say really. Here’s to an even better 2010!

This image was drawn up by a wonderful artist I know, Stewart McKenny. Check out his website. He sent me this delightful New Year’s greeting and was kind enough to let me share it with all of you. Thanks Stewart!

Ok, I do have one more thing I’d like to say. Thank you all for being loyal and friendly readers of my blog. That’s all folks! Happy New Year!

3 Responses to “Happy Nerdy New Year!”

  1. Randy says:

    Love that art!! Happy New year to you too, Jill. Be safe!!

    And a Happy 10th Anniversary to Y2K also!!

  2. Happy NewYear =] I think the geeks will continue to rule this decade just like the last!

  3. Amber Love says:

    Great image! Have a fun & exciting New Year's Eve!