Perhaps You Missed These Articles From Me This Week?


Here’s your weekly roundup of articles I’ve written at places that aren’t this week!

At HitFix:

If you’re ever looking for something from me at HitFix you can always click on my byline there which takes you to my author page with everything I’ve done.

My latest recap at Blastr:

Another reminder that you’re seeing more HitFix Harpy links because I’ve taken on more work for financial reasons. Unfortunately the Patreon as it stands isn’t supporting me quite as well as I’d hoped (though my new video did gain me a few more awesome Patrons!). It doesn’t mean I’ll be neglecting The Nerdy Bird, it just means I’ll be working a lot more.

If you enjoy my content here and the curation of nerdy things I provide via my social media accounts, please considering becoming a Patron for $2 or more a month, ($2 a month is just $24 a year for all my content) it makes a huge difference to me! I’ve also recently set up a PayPal page for those who may not be able to swing a monthly donation but can chip in here and there. As always, shares on social media of any of my work is greatly appreciated!!

What’s up this weekend? The Mermaid Parade is happening in Brooklyn!