Special delivery for The Nerdy Bird!

I just love it when the internet makes things just for me. I had about 50 people send me the link to this story so I figured I should post it instead of just drooling on it. Yes, Whovians!...Read More »

June 21st, 2011

Doctor Who comes to…Springfield?

We all know Doctor Who is coming to America this Saturday on BBC America when the new season premieres at 9 p.m. EST, but did you know the Doctor had been to Springfield? He can travel anywhere in time...Read More »

April 22nd, 2011

Doctor Who behind-the-scenes!

Courtesy of BBC America comes a special inside look at the filming of Doctor Who shooting in America! Watch for interviews with stars Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill plus Executive Producer/Lead Writer Steven Moffat and director Toby...Read More »

April 19th, 2011

The Who Crew comes to America

Doctor Who has been a British staple, nay, a way of life for almost 50 years. There’s no real comparison to anything like it here in the states but it’s as much a part of their culture as baseball...Read More »

April 13th, 2011

BBC Sets Doctor Who Season 6 Air-date!

The Doctor is back! Almost! The announcement was just made that Doctor Who Season 6 will premiere April 23 (Easter weekend) in the U.K. But wait! BBC America also just revealed their premiere date for the show in the...Read More »

March 9th, 2011

Blog@ 2/28-3/4

In case you missed them, here are the stories I contributed to Blog@Newsarama last week! It’s a good day to be a Doctor Who fan – I showcased some excellent DW shirts that happened to pop up online that...Read More »

March 5th, 2011

I think I have a new theme song…

It’s called Nerdy Girls Need Love Too. (Substitute “girls” with “birds” if you so wish.)Singer/songwriter Amy Lee Radigan has composed a delightful anthem, not just for me, but for nerdy girls everywhere! With references and cameos from Harley Quinn,...Read More »

January 27th, 2011

Send Teresa to Gally!

Coming up next month is the 22nd annual Gallifrey One convention, the North American Doctor Who con for those of you not familiar. Well it just so happens that my friend Teresa Jusino has been asked to appear on...Read More »

January 17th, 2011