Flashback Lost

Guys…where are we? More appropriately, when are we? Just in time for the Lost series finale, I’ve input September 22, 2004 into the DeLorean to catch the Lost series premiere. And it’s a good thing too. Even though “Pilot,...Read More »

May 22nd, 2010

Dear Everyone Involved With LOST,

You have the possibility of going down in history writing, directing, acting etc. in the greatest television show in existence. Don’t fuck it up. Sincerely, The Nerdy BirdRead More »

February 2nd, 2010

I guess I’m out of the book club.

Is there anything greater than this? I don’t think so. Get your very own Benjamin Linus bobblehead at this years Comic Con International. Created by Bif Bang Pow! this is just the first in a line of collectables based...Read More »

June 30th, 2009

Star Trek Beams Green

“Don’t tell me they don’t use money in the 23rd century.” Well no, they don’t, but here in the 21st century Star Trek fans have earned J.J. Abrams new film $72.5 million. To my surprise, Star Trek did not...Read More »

May 11th, 2009

Nerdy News

In this edition of Nerdy News: a wannabe vampire slayer gets her own movie, J.J. Abrams is traveling at warp speed and Daniel Craig is the mysterious key to the Clash of the Titans remake.  Cable station IFC is...Read More »

April 1st, 2009

The First Lady of Star Trek

Star Trek legend Majel Barrett-Roddenberry passed away yesterday at the age of 76. Majel was a fixture in the Star Trek franchise from day one. After meeting Gene Roddenberry in 1964 he cast her as Number One in the...Read More »

December 19th, 2008

Lost ARG over?

I was surprised to find a new email this week from Hans Van Eeghen with news that my Volunteer Assessment Dossier was ready. It arrived almost a full month earlier than it was supposed to. Always highly suspicious of...Read More »

November 20th, 2008


Just a heads up for those of you who were interested, the “recruiting” portion of the Lost ARG now has a deadline. All tests must be completed by 12 pm (PDT) October 7, 2008. I first told you about...Read More »

September 19th, 2008

Pin-ups, Posters and Comics, Oh My!

A few items of the visual variety for you to enjoy… Fables cover artist (and one of my personal favorites) James Jean drew this Vargas-style pin-up of Sally Jupiter for use in Watchmen. He posted it on his blog...Read More »

July 23rd, 2008