Hey, That’s My Cape! – I Love My Job

Writer/producer/creator Jane Espenson (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Once Upon A Time) wrote an article recently titled, Is TV Writing The Best Job Ever? It caught my eye. A lot of people envy those in the entertainment industry simply because...Read More »

January 24th, 2012

Send Teresa to Gally!

Coming up next month is the 22nd annual Gallifrey One convention, the North American Doctor Who con for those of you not familiar. Well it just so happens that my friend Teresa Jusino has been asked to appear on...Read More »

January 17th, 2011

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Riley Review

Joss Whedon pulled a giant plot twist in his recent Buffy the Vampire Slayer arc, “Retreat,” regarding Buffy’s former flame Riley Finn. Fans could have been satisfied with the explanation given in those issues, but instead we get to...Read More »

August 19th, 2010

Caprica Crawls

I started watching Caprica because I wasn’t ready to let Battlestar Galactica go. Not yet. BSG was one of those epic shows that stays with you for the rest of your life, like Buffy and Lost. So when I...Read More »

March 1st, 2010

Things of the nerdy variety.

It’s been a crazy week. I came across several nerdy items I would have happily written entire posts about had I had the time, as it stands, I did not. Since it’s Friday and you’re most likely at work,...Read More »

August 21st, 2009

Harmony Bites…Andy Dick

It’s tough being a celebrity. You’ve got no privacy, the paparazzi are always around, it’s hard to tell who your real friends are, etc. It could be worse. You could be an “almost” celebrity. Like our girl Harmony from Buffy the...Read More »

January 19th, 2009

Buffy Bounces Back

There’s been serious Buffy comic withdrawal over my way. Luckily my fix is coming soon. November 26th to be exact. The last issue of Buffy Season 8 was in stores…a while ago. I remember hearing there was going to be...Read More »

November 12th, 2008