Taika Waititi Hopes Marvel Audiences Leave Thor: Ragnarok with a “Sense of Joy”

Taika Waititi sounds pretty excited for Marvel fans to see Thor: Ragnarok. Can confirm excitement…at least for myself.

Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston, Idris Elba, and Anthony Hopkins return to their Thor roles in the third film of the series. Benedict Cumberbatch is said to have a cameo as Doctor Strange but Ragnarok also stars Cate Blanchett, Tessa Thompson, Jeff Goldblum, Karl Urban, and Sam Neill. Waititi isn’t giving up Neill’s role yet but speaking to The AV Club recently the director mentioned he’ll have a small role which will be fun to look out for.

But the director also told them how surreal the experience has been for him:

“Sometimes I would stop and think, I’m doing a movie that’s got Thor and Doctor Strange and The Incredible Hulk and Loki and every character is so strange and different,” he said. “Civil War it’s just humans, humans with human problems. Ours is creatures and beings and all these sorts of really different characters. Again displaying human problems, but in outer space or in other worlds.”

As to what he hopes viewers of the film, a precursor to Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War, will take away? “I think the overall sense that I’m trying to give to the audience and what I want the audience to leave the cinema carrying with them is a sense of joy really,” he told the AV Club.

Before then we’ve got Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (May 5) and Spider-Man: Homecoming (July 7) on Marvel’s slate. Thor: Ragnarok is hitting theaters November 3, 2017 and in case you need a taste of joy sooner than that, here’s the Comic-Con video they made.


4 Responses to “Taika Waititi Hopes Marvel Audiences Leave Thor: Ragnarok with a “Sense of Joy””

  1. […] may recall the outstanding comedic skit they produced for San Diego Comic-Con last year starring Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Daley Pearson as his temporary roommate Darryl. They’ve gone ahead and released another one that involves Thor’s money […]

  2. So, like, the opposite of a DC movie these days, which should come with wrist guards. ;)

    • Tearing one franchise down to make another look good. How original.

      • Nah. DCEU tore itself down out the gate, let’s be perfectly honest. Marvel just pumps out perfectly above-average risk-averse popcorn fluff.

        “Joy” is the operative word. There’s no joy in the DCEU. It’s the film equivalent of a middle-school goth kid’s “edgy” poetry… super-serious but absolute garbage.