Speak, Nerd, and Enter!

Your regular spot to discuss anything you'd like that we're not already covering on The Nerdy Bird! Along with some bits and bobs from the past few days for your perusal...Read More »

April 12th, 2017

Doctor Who…as cats

You guys know I love cats, right? And that I cherish Doctor Who deeply? My heart is about to burst. Artist Jenny Parks, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this. Ladies and gentlemen may I...Read More »

August 19th, 2011

The 25 Best and Most Adorable MRVLCATS

Whoever said Twitter was a big time sucker… well, they’re right, but that doesn’t mean nothing good comes out of it on occasion. For your amusement, I present #MRVLCATS. What the hell is #MRVLCATS and why is it missing...Read More »

September 24th, 2010

BatCat, Arrow Lantern and more!

I had an amazing Sunday. Batman is partially responsible. So are you. First, this must be seen by everyone, everywhere… I bow down to GorillaSushi’s mad photoshop skillz (I seriously thought he got a cat to wear the cowl)...Read More »

March 22nd, 2010

10 Things Guys Could Like To Turn Girls On

I stumbled into a bit of controversy last week. “Women reading comics, playing video games, talking tech, or role playing is to geeks what wet t-shirt contests, Hooters girls, and strippers are to Nascar fans.” That was an anonymous...Read More »

March 2nd, 2010

Shadow Cat

Somebody’s got a case of the Mondays (me) so you’re all going to settle for just this today. Hey, it made me chuckle.Read More »

December 7th, 2009